How It All Started

In 2015, I started with a large pest control firm but wasn’t happy with the level of service they provided to their clients. I knew I could provide customers with better and more personalized service and more value for their money so this is why I started Venus Pest Control where we are known for our worry-free service!

What Keeps Me Motivated

We stay motivated by the challenges of taking care of the customer’s pest needs by finding the source and eliminating their pest issues. Helping them V pest-free!

What I Am Most Looking Forward To

We look forward to staying one of the premier pest control service providers always keeping our customers in mind. Having happy and satisfied customers at every service. Being able to grow our company by word of mouth is what drives us to maintain this level of quality. We care about our customers and would love to assist and diminish your pest problems in the utmost possible way.


Larry The Bug Guy
Venus Pest Control

Dealing with a pest or rodent problem? Call 954-329-8565!

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