Our Services

Our Pest and Rodent Control Services

Florida pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents can be menacing to your home or business. Venus Pest Control will help protect you from pests jeopardizing your healthy living and working space in Miami Lakes, FL and surrounding areas. We use the latest technological advancements and eco-friendly products specifically designed for your home or business, finding the source of the issue, and implementing our methods precisely for your home or business.

Our Specialists

Venus specialists guarantee satisfied customers at every service. We are licensed by the Department of Agriculture in the State of Florida. All personnel are trained to provide service consistent with state laws.

We can help you V pest Free:

  • Ants
  • Stored Product Pest
  • Cockroaches (German)
  • Earwigs
  • Millipedes
  • Drain Flies
  • Rodents
  • Silverfish
  • Bedbugs
  • Stinging Pests
  • Spiders & more

We use quality products that are safe for you, your kids, and your pets that are organic, and deemed low risk by the EPA.

When Service Matters, Hire a Pest Control Company That Does it Right!

Getting rid of ants in Miami Lakes, FL is no easy task. Ants are social insects that live in colonies, which means you must fully eliminate them to avoid another infestation down the road.
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We know how scary waking up to red welts, rashes, and hives due to bed bug bites can be. So if you’ve spent the last few nights tossing and turning, we can help! You see, bed bugs are troublesome pests.
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Venus Pest Control understands how pests in your business is much more than a nuisance. We are licensed and insured to guarantee protection for your business. Our goal is to keep your professional environment pest free and provide you with the best value for your money.
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Fleas not only annoy dogs and cats but also bite humans, causing skin irritation and allergies. So we highly recommend getting your yard treated for fleas if you have pets, especially during the summer months!
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Mosquitoes ruin the summer months and expose your family to dangerous diseases. Our mosquito control service kills them on contact and acts as a repellent for weeks to come so you can enjoy your yard again.
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Roaches are nocturnal pests and adept at hiding, which means your roach problem can get out of hand before you know it. Trust the experts at Venus Pest Control to stop these crawling pests dead in their tracks.
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Rodents spread diseases, contaminate food, damage property, and breed quickly. Luckily, the team at Venus Pest Control can help. With over 4 years of experience, we’re Miami Lakes, FL‘s most dependable rodent control experts.
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Spiders are skilled predators, using their webs to trap unsuspecting pests. And, while most species are harmless, discovering their webs can be unsettling. To get rid of spiders around your home, give us a call!
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If you’re dealing with a drain fly infestation in your Miami, FL home or business, it’s essential to take immediate action. Venus Pest Control specialize in comprehensive drain fly control solutions.
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Not only do Ticks annoy cats and dogs, but if you love you animals as much as we know you do, this is not tolerable. Ticks cause skin irritation, allergies, and diseases like lyme disease.
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If you’ve stumbled upon a hornet, yellow jacket, or paper wasp nest, don’t worry, our team can help! With over 4 years of experience removing wasps nests, we’re Miami Lakes, FL‘s leading provider of wasp control
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Are you looking for another service? Give us a call at 954-329-8565 today!

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